Hi, I'm Stephen Littleton, Professional Space Man. I'm a website developer, musician, mechanic, repair man, writer, systems administrator and systems builder. I do much more than just the stuff I've listed but I'll get into that at another time.
While I enjoy doing mostly everything, I don't have the time lately to do it all. Some of my favorite activites at the moment:
One thing I enjoy is getting out in nature with just a backpack.
Visiting new areas is always fun. It's just something else I enjoy.
I always have a cup to get me going. It powers most of my projects and I love having a nice cup.
I like to take measurements and collect data and understand how information works.
I enjoy traveling around and looking at stuff and seeing how everything changes.
One thing I enjoy is gaming. Either physical gaming or virtual, I love to have fun!
I've worked with a couple other sites. Check out some of my other projects.